I can see clearly now, the haze is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. 
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It’s gonna be a bright , bright Sun-Shiny day!
The haze which lasted about a week definitely was a threat! especially to anyone (join me?) with chronicle respiratory problems. Activities recommended were as followings : net surfing, writing, be a couch potatoes, put air-conditioning to full blast, stayed indoor and be a patriotic citizen shopping til you drop in the sales carnival! The immediate damages were ... fatigue, obesity and hefty bills. Other damages were to be indentified.
Information from trusted resources stated that the haze was clear from mid valley yesterday. Not around my place. it's pretty much like in genting! But if you stay up late til this morning around seven with me, you would have witnessed the haze ... gone overnight!
O... What A Sight!
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